6 Simple Tips For Safe Shopping Online


Online shopping sites in USA can be very fun: When you find a shiny item you like, click the “buy” button, and you will find a package delivered to your door.

But this practice is not always going well. In 2019, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center received an average of 1,300 cyber theft complaints per day with a total value of $ 3.5 billion for personal and business losses.

Look at the lock

Make sure the website you are purchasing has SSL encryption (secure sockets). To know this, the website should start with https: // and you should also notice a small lock sign, located in the address bar at the top.

Visit for safe shopping in the USA: online shopping in USA

Buy Using Credit Card On A Credit Card

Credit cards are a smart way to shop online because they provide protection for your purchases, making it a much safer way for bank cards. If you are buying goods or holidays that cost more than £ 100 to £ 30,000 you are covered by section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act which means that a credit card company has the same liability with the seller for defective, unsatisfactory or unsolicited items. Other benefits of using credit cards online in some cases could be: refunds for purchases, other loyalty points or miles of flight.

Intense email fraud

Holidays are a great time for email scammers to send viruses and malware in the form of a gift or special offer. Do not open emails from a stranger or a site you have never visited. Another way that bad people try to get you is by means of a fraudulent message from your bank or financial institution, claiming that there is a warning or problem with your account.

Watch out for amazing deals

Have you seen an ad on Facebook or Instagram offering low prices or an in-person gift for free stuff? Reports of lost money in social media campaigns have more than tripled in the past year, according to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Remember, if a gift seems too good to be true, it probably is. The FBI has found that many of the latest Web sites have been advertised on social media.

Do not provide all your details

When shopping online you need to provide two types of information: payment details (such as credit card data) and shipping details (usually your home or work address).

Be suspicious of online stores requesting additional information, such as birthdays, social security numbers, or other sensitive information. They do not need to know this information in order to sell you products.

Keep Software And Virus Intermediate Protection

For complete malware protection on your devices it is very important to have the latest security software, web browser and applications. Once you have installed this make sure you set up the software to automatically check for updates to the daily bases.


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